The Triglav Group and Zavarovalnica Triglav d.d. Annual Report 2021

Three values.
One trust.


EUR 1,455.1 million

Total revenue of the Triglav Group

EUR 132.6 million

Net profit before tax of the Triglav Group


Credit rating of the Triglav Group with a stable medium-term outlook



Further improved customer satisfaction index (NPS) for Zavarovalnica Triglav

More then 1,700

Contract partners and well-developed own sales network

1 > 17

New home insurance
17 insurance products combined and simplified into one


EUR 1,353.0 million

Gross written premium from insurance, coinsurance and reinsurance contracts


Combined ratio of the Triglav Group

EUR 1,539.3 million

Mutual funds and discretionary mandate assets

Good results,
better than expected.

About our successful operations in the insurance and asset management sectors and our plans for the future in the President’s statement.

Generating value.

Revised strategy
to 2025

EUR 1.70

Dividend per share


Capital adequacy of the Triglav Group

We are growing sustainably.


Electricity for Zavarovalnica Triglav from renewable sources


Share of women at top two management levels below the Management Board


Share of social impact, green and sustainable bonds in debt securities

Today for tomorrow.

Listen to a

Uroš Ivanc, member of the Zavarovalnica Triglav Management Board, on the Triglav Group’s operations and plans

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