- The Supervisory Board gave a positive fit and proper assessment of the individual Management Board members and the Management Board as a collective body. Furthermore, Andrej Slapar was re-appointed President of the Management Board and Uroš Ivanc and Tadej Čoroli were re-appointed members of the Management Board for a further five-year term of office.
- The market processing and product development strategies were developed in order to strengthen the business development and competitive position of insurance subsidiaries abroad. The market development and product diversification strategies were followed in new markets.
- Cooperation among subsidiaries in the achievement of strategic objectives and projects was strengthened.
- Closer cooperation between the activities of the Group is planned.
Management bodies of Zavarovalnica Triglav
The Company uses a two-tier management system. The management and supervisory bodies are as follows: General Meeting of Shareholders, Management Board and Supervisory Board. The management bodies operate in compliance with the primary and secondary legislation, the Articles of Association and their own rules of procedure. The Articles of Association are available at www.triglav.eu.
Two-tier governance of Zavarovalnica Triglav
The Management Board of Zavarovalnica Triglav
As at the 2018 year-end, the Management Board of the Company was composed of the following members:
- Andrej Slapar, President
- Uroš Ivanc, Member,
- Tadej Čoroli, Member,
- Barbara Smolnikar, Member,
- Marica Makoter, Member and Employee Representative.
From left to right: Andrej Slapar, Barbara Smolnikar, Tadej Čoroli, Marica Makoter, Uroš Ivanc.