in EUR | ||||
Triglav Group | Zavarovalnica Triglav | |||
31 December 2018 | 31 December 2017 | 31 December 2018 | 31 December 2017 | |
ASSETS | 3,645,277,487 | 3,674,676,193 | 2,730,187,525 | 2,786,489,540 |
Intangible assets | 84,060,048 | 78,840,612 | 62,162,502 | 59,786,283 |
Property, plant and equipment | 113,296,053 | 111,210,437 | 67,986,100 | 67,526,775 |
Non-current assets held for sale | 2,067,399 | 2,278,440 | 0 | 0 |
Deferred tax assets | 12,893,732 | 13,769,115 | 0 | 0 |
Investment property | 89,840,456 | 94,007,483 | 45,270,540 | 48,214,401 |
Investments in subsidiaries | 0 | 0 | 131,938,667 | 118,167,937 |
Investments in associates | 14,125,973 | 6,449,324 | 16,959,355 | 10,002,047 |
– accounted for using the equity method | 14,125,973 | 6,449,324 | 0 | 0 |
– measured at fair value | 0 | 0 | 16,959,355 | 10,002,047 |
Financial investments | 2,588,904,297 | 2,587,850,704 | 1,840,036,950 | 1,860,998,156 |
– loans and deposits | 138,857,972 | 125,251,487 | 92,670,309 | 91,428,595 |
– held to maturity | 196,773,185 | 221,390,576 | 159,463,950 | 166,993,807 |
– available for sale | 1,802,568,767 | 1,815,323,900 | 1,383,855,505 | 1,400,652,988 |
– recognised at fair value through profit and loss | 450,704,373 | 425,884,741 | 204,047,186 | 201,922,766 |
Unit-linked insurance assets | 402,515,770 | 450,236,044 | 366,664,078 | 417,607,959 |
Reinsurers’ share of technical provisions | 85,920,499 | 83,815,576 | 87,893,306 | 85,327,645 |
Receivables | 178,654,878 | 163,878,354 | 89,980,951 | 81,350,417 |
– receivables from direct insurance operations | 96,601,328 | 85,722,492 | 62,635,337 | 54,731,853 |
– receivables from reinsurance and coinsurance operations | 51,299,903 | 44,939,702 | 18,157,611 | 13,889,792 |
– current tax receivables | 579,645 | 32,211 | 0 | 0 |
– other receivables | 30,174,002 | 33,183,949 | 9,188,003 | 12,728,772 |
Other assets | 5,396,722 | 3,922,257 | 3,296,589 | 1,993,174 |
Cash and cash equivalents | 67,601,660 | 78,417,847 | 17,998,487 | 35,514,746 |
Off balance sheet items | 251,429,127 | 240,363,102 | 178,359,227 | 174,448,801 |
EQUITY AND LIABILITIES | 3,645,277,487 | 3,674,676,193 | 2,730,187,525 | 2,786,489,540 |
Equity | 746,862,805 | 756,645,683 | 560,120,736 | 571,412,305 |
Controlling interests | 744,566,806 | 749,838,244 | 560,120,736 | 571,412,305 |
– share capital | 73,701,392 | 73,701,392 | 73,701,392 | 73,701,392 |
– share premium | 50,206,540 | 50,403,656 | 53,412,884 | 53,412,884 |
– reserves from profit | 334,121,464 | 333,407,073 | 318,962,643 | 318,962,643 |
– treasury share reserves | 364,680 | 364,680 | 0 | 0 |
– treasury shares | -364,680 | -364,680 | 0 | 0 |
– fair value reserve | 66,237,889 | 95,398,236 | 47,260,189 | 67,250,264 |
– net profit brought forward | 142,483,579 | 160,647,992 | 1,239,764 | 25,563,172 |
– net profit/loss for the year | 80,533,643 | 39,133,955 | 65,543,864 | 32,521,950 |
– currency translation differences | -2,717,701 | -2,854,060 | 0 | 0 |
– reserve of disposal group held for sale | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Non-controlling interests | 2,295,999 | 6,807,439 | 0 | 0 |
Subordinated liabilities | 15,462,711 | 15,459,132 | 20,612,951 | 20,608,180 |
Insurance technical provisions | 2,310,503,061 | 2,282,701,026 | 1,696,143,475 | 1,687,109,267 |
– unearned premiums | 300,166,946 | 278,112,719 | 213,919,937 | 196,528,185 |
– mathematical provisions | 1,357,233,017 | 1,333,055,389 | 1,009,712,605 | 994,737,498 |
– claims provisions | 614,943,915 | 638,473,713 | 442,560,188 | 469,230,900 |
– other insurance technical provisions | 38,159,183 | 33,059,205 | 29,950,745 | 26,612,684 |
Insurance technical provisions for unit-linked insurance contracts | 402,598,039 | 449,544,565 | 365,238,075 | 416,250,767 |
Provisions for employee benefits | 14,804,574 | 13,979,843 | 11,167,156 | 10,700,463 |
Other provisions | 1,919,555 | 3,794,647 | 758,435 | 724,961 |
Non-current liabilities held for sale and discontinued operations | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Deferred tax liabilities | 17,203,576 | 26,396,579 | 2,813,736 | 9,301,053 |
Other financial liabilities | 5,620,904 | 5,589,381 | 1,587,443 | 1,845,184 |
Operating liabilities | 54,792,055 | 49,381,602 | 28,523,572 | 27,740,050 |
– liabilities from direct insurance operations | 19,717,929 | 18,875,323 | 11,306,835 | 11,354,265 |
– liabilities from reinsurance and co-insurance operations | 30,465,655 | 28,758,158 | 13,819,946 | 15,249,797 |
– current tax liabilities | 4,608,471 | 1,748,121 | 3,396,791 | 1,135,988 |
Other liabilities | 75,510,207 | 71,183,735 | 43,221,946 | 40,797,310 |
Off balance sheet items | 251,429,127 | 240,363,102 | 178,359,227 | 174,448,801 |