• The Triglav Group continues to have a strong capital base and high liquidity. Its capital strength is confirmed by the level and structure of its capital.  
  • The established risk management processes and system ensure a controlled taking of risks and safe operations.
  • The regulatory risk assessment method proved to be an appropriate method of measurement in the framework of the annual control.
  • The Group shows appropriate resilience of capital adequacy to external effects, even in the case of stress scenarios.

The Group continues to be well capitalised. Its capital strength is confirmed by its capital structure, which almost entirely consists of the highest-quality capital, composed of share capital and reconciliation reserve. A small portion of available capital includes subordinated liabilities. Compared to the previous year, the quality of available capital at the Group level remained mostly unchanged in 2018.

The decision-making bodies participating in the integrated corporate risk management process and the three lines of defence

Risk dashboard of Zavarovalnica Triglav and the Triglav Group as at December 2018

Risk profile assessment of the Triglav Group as at 31 December 2018

Download section Risk management